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Saeassi, Elf Huntress

Binance Smart Chain

Saeassi, Elf Huntress

0xa8bb80bd41cd441660b5e4012bf41f645ae79a38Fran Afonso SUP
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Saeassi is the youngest daughter of Aranrian "The Great Huntress", from a very young age she has felt a great attraction to her mother's vocation, so Aranrian began to instruct her since she was a child. Saeassi is one of the toughest elves in Selfalenora, she believes that to hunt a beast you have to become one; when she hunts she becomes part of the forest and is merciless to her prey. Needless to say, the hunters of Selfalenora only go after large and ferocious prey that harm the weakest and most tender creatures in nature. About Selfalenora's Elfs: Selfalenora is a small elfic town where only female elfs live, each of these beautiful elves has their own special abilities and each one follows her own vocation that she uses to collaborate with the other inhabitants of the town.



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